That Computer Guy

That Computer Guy - your local technology problem solver!

That Computer Guy is for Sale!

For sale
As of Feb 2024, That Computer Guy has left the BOI. Feedback we have had from our former customers since then is that there is now a big gap in the market for someone that they can trust to make their technology journey easier. If you are good with people and computers and live in the BOI, you could be the next Computer Guy. If you want to know more, send us a message in the contact form below.
If you live in the Bay of Islands and computer problems are driving you crazy, fill out our Contact Form below and we will be in touch asap If you are having problems with poor broadband, we can help with fixing what you have or advising you on where to get the best internet service for your office or home. We can also connect it all up and get everything online. Over 35 years of experience in Software and I.T.
We can sort out your issues with:
  • Software updates or problems
  • Your kids' Online Safety
  • Malware and virus issues
  • Dodgy Wifi or Broadband
  • Getting your printer or scanner to play nice
  • Any gremlins in your computers or ghosts in the machine!
  • Office IT and networks (and we can protect your network from Malware too.)
  • Home entertainment and Smart Home systems, setups and configuration
  • Password recovery for Windows 7-10
Competitive rates, give us a call or send us a message
We also offer ad hoc business support too
Custom small business systems
We have also developed custom business and booking systems for Northland businesses such as
Booking, scheduling, invoicing and quotes with Xero are all part
of the solutions we can offer. If you need something custom to make your business run smoothly
drop us a line.
Phone: 0274 666 017
Weekdays and weekends
Double vaxed and boosted too.
Our Rates
Item Price
Services and support per hour $100 p/h
Call out fee, Zone 1 (to come on site in Kerikeri / Waipapa). $20
Call out fee, Zone 2 (to come on site in Paihia or Haruru). $25
Call out fee, Zone 3 (to come on site more than 30kms from Kerikeri). $30
* minimum 30 mins, GST included.
Other services
Service Price
PC Hardrive and Ram upgrades: Upgrade your PC by adding more Ram and a faster hard drive, why buy new when for far less outlay, you can add years to the life of your PC. Talk to us before you upgrade. $280 (plus parts)
iPad / iPhone unlocking and Data recovery (if backups are available) $180

Contact us

Contact us if you're interested in finding out more about our services or just need your computer to start playing nice and would like to book a call.